What to Do With Your Property’s Extra-large Lawn

Outdoor wooden gazebo with roses and summer landscape background

Outdoor wooden gazebo with roses and summer landscape background

Are you aware that some people think that having an extra-large lawn is a problem? They stress about the cost of maintenance and the amount of time needed to clean and make the lawn pristine. They think that paying taxes for such a large property is a waste of cash. They don’t even ponder the idea of earning from their large lawn or backyard.

Having that much extra space can be profitable for any property owner. Durable shearing sheds in Australia and in its key provinces are popular. You can convert a portion of your lawn to sheep owners and shearers so that they’ll have ample space where to shear their sheep. You can also install a ranch to house horses and other cattle. You can rent out the ranch to other cattle owners who do not have the luxury of having that much space in their backyard.

Here are the other things that you can do with an extra-large lawn:


You can convert that large lawn into a farm, of course, but that would take too much of your time, and not all people can grow a farm. What most people can learn to do is to plant trees, plants, flowers, and shrubs. You can build a glasshouse that will house a variety of plants, flowers, and succulents. These can even turn a profit. You can sell the plants, succulents, and flowers or open your glasshouse for some tours.


A gazebo could be the perfect venue for small intimate gatherings such as weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries. As long as the gazebo won’t be too close to the main house and it won’t affect your family’s privacy, you can rent it out to families and couples who need a place to hold their events.

Swimming Pool

How happy would your children or grandchildren be if you could install a pool in your backyard? All the kids would go nuts, and you would be a hero in their eyes. A pool isn’t exactly the cheapest option there is, but you can also purchase an above-the-ground pool and just enjoy the summer season. You can also have this area rented out for company outings and team buildings.

Granny Flat

Landscaped backyard

If you want to earn a profit from having such a large lawn, what other perfect option would be than to build a granny flat or a mobile home? For a few thousand dollars, you can get a ready-to-build granny flat from a local hardware or construction store. Depending on local regulations, you can build the granny flat on your own or have a professional do it for you.

You can rent out a granny flat to backpackers or individuals looking for a cheap apartment. You can also let your relatives and guests stay there during vacations. As the name suggests, you can let the grandparents stay there so that all of you will still have a private space.

There is so much more that a large lawn can be turned into. Tennis is really popular, so why not build a tennis court or a basketball court if the space allows it? You can open it up for children who want to learn various sports. You can also rent it out again to sports clinics and local schools who don’t have the facilities for sports activities.

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