Things that Make Summer the Best Time for Orthodontic Treatments

Smiling with bracesDuring summer, the nights are cool and the days are long. You and your kids want to have fun together. Probably no one is thinking about teeth, but everyone should be. The summer is the perfect time of the year for a caring parent to explore a new dental treatment option for their little ones.

Perhaps your child has not had a full orthodontic evaluation. An experienced Longmont dentist or orthodontist may recommend that all kids undergo orthodontic screening before they are seven years old. That period prepares kids for active orthodontic treatment when they are between 10 and 14 years old. But dental practitioners recommend early treatment for a child to take advantage of the natural jaw growth process.

Here is why summer is the best time for a child to embark on the journey of improving their dental health:

Ample Time to Get Used to the New Routine

Orthodontists have made significant changes to dental treatments, including replacing traditional braces with modern ones. However, it takes time for a child to feel comfortable with modern braces. But they are a little lighter and comfortable than traditional ones. Your child might be restricted from taking some types of food and their mouth might hurt once braces are fitted in their mouth or after adjustments are made.

All of these can distract a child during school days. For example, a child is likely to avoid the temptation of eating crunchy and sticky snacks that their friends are having during the tea break. Instead, a child with braces will opt for simple and soft foods that won’t stick to their mouth. However, the relaxed summer atmosphere provides the best time for a little one to get used to the ups and downs of orthodontic treatment.

Appointment Flexibility

It often feels like there are not enough hours in the course of the school term. Various extracurricular activities, sports, and homework can sometimes make a child feel like it is impossible to fit an extra item or activity in their already busy schedule. That’s why summer is the perfect time for a caring parent to take their child to a clinic for an initial dental checkup. However, the initial consultation can take a little more time because it covers a lot of things.

Enough Time for a Kid to Perfect an Oral Hygiene Routine

Child going through a dental check up

Of course, everyone knows how easy it can be for a child to slack off on their oral hygiene routine during school days. Those late-night homework sessions and early morning wake-up calls can leave a child with little or no time to glance at their toothbrush. Sticking to an oral hygiene routine is the only thing that a child can do to achieve and maintain that healthy, beautiful smile. Summer leaves kids with enough hours during the day to practice oral hygiene, which can enable them to maintain a healthy smile.

With every child enjoying the break from tight school schedules, there is no better time than summer for him or her to undergo orthodontic treatment. Look for a dental practice with experienced and talented orthodontists to make your kid’s dental visits enjoyable. Work with a dentist who makes your child feel like family from the initial appointment to the last one.

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