Oral Hygiene For Dental Implants In Herefordshire

a woman having tooth pain

Just like natural teeth, dental implants require an effective oral hygiene routine. Failure to care for dental implants properly can lead to peri-implantitis, a special type of gum disease that affects the ligaments and tissues that keep dental implants in place.

Dentists and hygienists are keen on sharing their knowledge of implant maintenance with their patients so that their investment in dental implants continues to pay off. While no special tools required for the cleaning and maintenance of dental implants in Herefordshire, diligent brushing and flossing as well as regular dental check-ups and cleanings are all that is needed to ensure that dental implants remain fully functional. Any reputable implant dentist, such as at Warrendale Dental Care, will be able to advise patients further on this.

What is peri-implantitis?

While dental implants cannot get cavities, gum disease is a threat to their stability.

Peri-implantitis is a gum infection affecting the tissue around the dental implants. Even after restoration and successful integration with the jawbone, dental implants can lose essential support if plaque and bacteria start attacking the ligaments that hold them in place.

Accumulation of plaque can occur either due to poor oral hygiene, diabetes or smoking, among other causes. Peri-implantitis is a major cause of implant failure, but luckily early diagnosis and prevention are possible.

Using the right techniques

A dentist may recommend an inter-dental toothbrush as well as an antibacterial mouthwash to help maintain dental implants in Herefordshire. Swift circular motions with a toothbrush are effective for cleaning the teeth, both natural ones and those replacement teeth anchored by dental implants. Patients should also use dental floss to ensure that all food remains are removed from in between the teeth and dental implants.

Dental implants at the back of the mouth are more challenging cleaning properly due to their position. Regular dental visits for professional cleanings will ensure that they remain in good shape.

Last but not least, implant structures such as implant-supported bridges and dentures can be more challenging to clean. Patients are encouraged to talk to their dentist and/or hygienist for advice on how to clean these devices thoroughly.

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