Workplace Management: You Can Make it a Safer Environment


According to data by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, in 2018, over 5,250 workers died on the job. It means that, on average, about 100 deaths occur in a week or more than 14 workers die while on-duty every day. Among the common causes of work-related deaths in private industry are falling, electrocution, and equipment malfunction.

Fostering Workplace Safety Culture

Your employees are your business’s most indispensable asset. With their dedication and hard work, they can drive your business towards success. But without ample safety procedures in your workplace, especially when you are in the manufacturing industry, you are not only putting their rights and wellbeing in jeopardy but also your company’s interest.

Promoting the safety and wellbeing of your employees in the workplace is important. It helps your business identify potential workplace safety hazards, which further helps in determining corrective measures to apply. It also helps avoid potentially costly lawsuits. Furthermore, it improves the image of your company as a dedicated and trustworthy business.

Steps in Improving Workplace Safety

Train Employees

The first step in improving workplace safety is to train your employees in safety and security programs. Nonetheless, it should not be just a one-off task. Instead, safety and security training should be continuous to avoid giving a false sense of security to all workers. Your company could do monthly or bi-annual training for these safety and security protocols.

Orient Employees With Safety Protocols

You should orient your new employees on the company’s safety protocols on day one of their hirings. This tip also means selecting competent persons as additional employees to your workplace. Do not just hire anyone just because production is busy. Opt for someone who has the necessary skills and who has a keen attention to detail.

Reward Safety Behavior

Behavioral psychology could attest that rewards promote certain behaviors. Encourage employees to observe workplace safety procedures by rewarding those who follow them. Giving out small rewards keeps employees engaged in following these good behaviors. And in no time, you will notice lesser workplace injuries and accidents.

Hire Occupational Clinicians

Your company can even go further by hiring occupational clinicians. They can visit your worksite to identify accident-prone areas and give helpful insights on how to prevent workplace injuries and accidents. These clinicians could also facilitate in creating performance evaluation that is proven to be useful in employee selection for physically demanding tasks.


Invest in Quality Equipment and Gears

Another crucial workplace safety tip is to invest in quality safety gear and equipment. If your industry is in construction, provide your workers with durable supplies and equipment. Companies like Alphaweld Supply Group do regular equipment and maintenance checks to avoid any malfunction which could not only hamper production but also put your employees at risk.

Keep Area Tidy

A cluttered workplace only invites injuries and accidents. Avoid these from happening by keeping your workplace clean and tidy. Stack boxes neatly, wipe any spills quickly and remove tangled cords and wires from the pathway. Even with just regular workplace cleaning, you can help promote safety in your workplace.

Conduct Regular Inspection

Conducting thorough regular inspection is also a key towards a safe and hazard-free work environment. Do a regular maintenance checkup on all equipment and tools. Conduct an evaluation and review as well of how employees are carrying out their tasks. That way, you will have a clearer view of how to improve further workplace safety.

Encourage Stretch Breaks

Being overworked could make any employee lose focus, especially when they are doing repetitive tasks. Encourage your workers to do a five-minute stretching every hour to loosen joints and relax tensed muscles. These stretch breaks also foster good work ergonomics which further promotes the health and wellbeing of your employees.

Maintain Open Communication

The surest way to show your employees that you value workplace safety is to promote an open communication line for them to voice out their health and safety concerns. Make it easy for them to report any potential hazard they have noticed. To streamline communication, encourage them to appoint a co-employee who can communicate concerns regularly.

Conduct Regular Discussion on Workplace Safety

There is no such thing as over-preparation. Conducting regular meetings to discuss and review safety protocols of the company keeps everyone prepared in case any unfortunate incident occurs. Both the employer and employees are responsible for promoting workplace safety. And the best place to start collaborating in this shared responsibility is in company meetings.

Workplace Safety Is a Company Investment

The bottom line is, workplace safety has a huge impact on your business’s performance. By giving importance to its value, you avoid the costly consequences associated with workplace injuries and accidents.

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