Proper Carpet Care for Homes with Pets

If you have pets in the house, it can be a challenge to keep your carpets clean. They are one of the main reasons carpets become dirty and unkempt, but you wouldn’t want to give up your furry friends just to keep your floors clean, of course.

Here are some of the best ways you can keep your carpets spotless even with your pets indoors.

Vacuum regularly

No matter how clean your pets are, it’s impossible to have a zero build-up of dirt and hair in the carpets. For this reason, vacuum your carpets at least once or twice a week, especially in high-traffic areas where your pets spend most of their time.

Go for stain-resistant carpets

If possible, replace your current carpets with stain-resistant ones. These can be more expensive, but they can potentially save you money in the long run since you won’t need to get them cleaned as often. Moreover, these carpets can be steam-cleaned, vacuumed, and shampooed frequently without the quality degrading too quickly.

Look for a carpet cleaning service

Even if you don’t need their services now, it’s an advantage to have a trusted carpet cleaner in your contacts list. And if you live in an area where there are many carpet cleaning franchise opportunities, you won’t have much trouble finding a reputable company. Look for a carpet cleaner that can give you the service that you want for a fair price.
dog sleeping

Potty train your pets

House train your pets as early as possible so that they pee and poop in the proper areas instead of your floors. Let them out at the same time every day so that they learn the routine quickly. Maintain your pets’ hygiene

Keeping your pets clean and well-groomed is another great way to prevent dirt and fur from transferring to your carpets. If you have hairy pets, have them groomed regularly to reduce the shedding.
Pets like to play around in the backyard, and most of the time, you can’t control where and what they step on. To keep their paws from dirtying up your carpets, though, make it a point to clean their feet before they enter the house. Place a towel near the doors, and remind everyone that they need to wipe the cat or dog’s paws off before they are let in. Eventually, your pets will learn that they need to get their paws wiped before they enter the house, and they will stop by the doorway to wait.

Install pet gates

Another way to keep your carpets clean while you have pets in the house is to keep them from carpeted rooms entirely. If this is a viable option, you can keep your pets from carpeted areas when you’re asleep or out of the house.
Having both pets and carpets in the house can be a recipe for disaster. But that doesn’t have to be the case for you. With these tips, you can keep your carpets clean and let your pets stay indoors as much as they want.

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