Developments in Electricity and the Energy Sector

An open light bulb on a table next to crumpled papers

We use electricity every day in our homes, at the office and in almost all the establishments we go to. It seems difficult to imagine living without it. Electricity, as powerful as it is, is an essential part of our lives.

It is good to know how electricity developed and how you can maximise its use. It is likewise important to know what to do in case you encounter problems with your electrical system. Adam Tulloch recommends hiring a 24-hour electrician in case you have an electrical emergency.

History and Milestones

Electricity, as we know it today, is the product of almost 300 years of research and development. In the 18th Century, natural scientists tried to understand electricity. For the next 150 years, more scientists in England, Europe, colonial America and the United States analysed electricity.

In 1881, Lucien Gaulard of France and John Gibbs of England had successfully demonstrated alternating current in London. In 1889, the first successful use of electricity happened at the Paris Exposition. In 1893, the Columbian Exposition happened in Chicago, which used 10 times more electricity than the Paris Exposition. The electricity-themed 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York allowed the organisers to meet the challenge to improve on the Columbian Exposition.

Annual expositions were held from 1857 to the late 1890s in St. Louis, Missouri, the fourth largest city in the United States. These expositions continued every summer and even during winter.

Famous Contributors

Some of the prominent personalities who contributed to the development of electricity include:

  1. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) – He proved that lightning and electricity were the same.
  2. Luigi Galvai (1737-1798) – His discoveries led to the invention of voltaic pile.
  3. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) – He studied how electricity could transmit sound.
  4. Alessandro Guiseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta (1745-1827) – He invented the electric battery. The electrical unit “volt” was named after him.
  5. André-Maire Ampére (1775-1836) – He developed the Systéme International d’Unités (SI)

Electricity has come a long way and has proven its power to change the way we live. It has likewise developed a profession to understand how it works. As we use electricity every day, we should be reminded of how powerful it can be. If you have any concerns regarding electricity, it is best to get the help of an electrician. In Wellington, some companies provide the electrical services 24 hours a day.

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