Financial Management: the Key to Business Growth

managing finance

When asked about their least favorite aspect when running a company, most business owners will quickly respond with finance and accounting. If you’re in the same boat, you might understand the reason behind this answer.

Handling finances can be an overwhelming task. You have to stay on track of all the cash flow, including sales, refunds, payments, and other operational costs. Aside from that, you need to categorize, evaluate, document, and report to the revenue authorities everything.

If that sounds complicated, think about how challenging it can be as your company grows. So, it’s more important than ever to understand the ins and outs of financial management.

Accounting and Bookkeeping: The Basics

You might easily become overwhelmed with all the financial data you’re dealing with if you don’t have adequate accounting processes in place. Thus, it’s crucial to be one step ahead of your game.


The basic accounting technique of keeping a tidy record of financial records and transactions is known as bookkeeping. The goal of this task is to evaluate and analyze your financial situation. Some of the most important bookkeeping practices include reconciliation of accounts, preparing balances, and managing transactions.


Accounting is the study of all financial records created by the bookkeeper to provide financial reports and predictions. These data are important so you can assess your present financial situation and make plans for the future. Its goal is to provide you with financial information so you can make better company decisions.

Financial Management in Business

To manage your finances effectively, keeping a systematized process and plan is crucial. You can take a step towards business growth by following these tips to maintain a structured financial record.

Categorizing Transactions

The standard approach in financial management is transaction classification. Every activity on your report should always be in the category of either an expenditure or a profit. Many accounting systems will sort the transactions for you, so all you have to do is verify them and assign adequate additional sections.

Categorizing your transactions can assist you in estimating your monthly costs and income. These data are useful for evaluating your company’s cash flows, planning expenditures, and establishing a business budget.

Maintaining a Budget

A company budget is a neatly tallied list of your business expenditures and other financial responsibilities against your monthly revenues. The total figure indicates how much money you’ll need to break even or make a profit.

To budget properly, you must understand where your money goes and how much comes in regularly.

Preparing for Uncontrollable Circumstances

Your income might change as sales figures fluctuate owing to price volatility, changes in the market, timing, and other macroeconomic variables. As a result, you might experience months of negative cash flow, which occur when you make less than you spend. This case is yet another purpose of having a budget and saving some extra money aside.

Giving Back to the Community

Aside from business income, you can grow your financial capability if you use your profits to the right avenues. There are many ways for you to give back to your community. Many businesses work in partnership with charitable institutions, foundations, and non-government organizations.

If your passion in business comes with a love for kids, you can try preschool franchise opportunities. This way, you can start an endeavor focusing on the community that brings back the motivation to your business.

Calculating Taxes

It’s difficult to navigate sales taxes since you have to account for state and municipal sales taxes. Each year, all businesses are required to submit tax payments. The IRS estimates your tax liability based on your most recent return and expects timely payment.

You must keep detailed documents proving that you have collected sales tax on each client invoice. All of these files must be presented to your local tax authority by the due date. The submission schedule varies per state, although it is usually around the middle or end of each month.

Wrapping Up

Accounting is the skill of keeping financial records that convey the entire financial narrative of your company. Performing these responsibilities for your business might be daunting, especially if you’re just starting up.

But, you don’t have to become a financial genius and try to make sophisticated cash flow predictions or utilize multi-step procedures to determine your profitability ratio. In simple ways, you can make your financial plans work.

With the correct accounting structure in place, and accompanying financial applications and software, and due diligence, you can master your financial computations and come to enjoy the process of reviewing your business growth.

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