In It to Win It: How to Open a Small Business That Won’t Fail

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Let’s be honest: who wants to open a business so that it’ll fail? Chances are that people would go for starting a small business with the knowledge that it won’t fold up in the future. To be sure, the pandemic wasn’t expected by anyone. But there are businesses that managed to ride the worst of last year and are still fighting this year.

If you’ve ever given thought to open your own business, you’ll know how hard that first step is. Let’s say that you want to start a physical therapy business. You’re going to ask for advice on running a clinic, about what type of personnel you need to get, and what to expect in the first month and beyond. There are so many tips for starting a business, but it needs to be fit for the business.

Veteran entrepreneurs will tell you there’s no set formula for even small businesses. There’s a ton of good advice out there and here’s a few of them. Read on.

Overcome the Fear of Managing Yourself

There are a lot of people who find themselves sick and tired of their job, so they’ve decided to start a business. There are also a lot of people who return to working a regular job after failing to work on their business concept. What’s the problem?

Most people are just full of excuses so much that they’ve failed to start on their idea. There’s the lack of money to worry about, not to mention the fear of responsibilities. For these people, there are a lot of reasons why they won’t start a business.

Being your own boss is an overwhelming idea in itself. At the end of the day, however, you’re going to have to remember that these are just excuses and should not hold you back from your goal of starting your business.

Take Any Advice and Use It

When you’re talking about starting a business, chances are there will be detractors and supporters, even from your friends and family. A good idea would be to list down these ideas and take the pros and cons coming from these comments.

Honesty’s always the best policy so encourage the people giving you unsolicited advice to be forthcoming with their suggestions. If some of them have opened or are currently operating a business, you should consider these tips as solid gold—they probably know what they’re talking about.

Rather than a Problem, Be the Solution

Most people would love to start a business but are held back by thinking more about the problems that might come their way. The first step of a successful business is to think that your business is more about providing a solution to a lack you see in a niche rather than something to bring you money.

This will also give you a clear picture of why you’re opening your business. If you’re offering a solution, that solution could also help you identify your brand. Whether you’re just selling face masks or providing computer software, think of a problem you’ve got a solution to, and use that to identify your business.

Write Down that Solution into a Business Plan


Now that you know what problem you’ll solve it will be easier to draft a business plan for your start-up. This will become some sort of bible you refer to as your business grows. This will also help clear the path for the business’ operational and financial goals, as well as help it go where it needs to be.

Practically and simply speaking, the business plan will help you avoid wasting time. With a clear plan, you’ll be able to see whether it will succeed or not. You’ll then be able to scratch the idea or push through with it.

Remember: Be Professional

You need to be as professional as you can be in your actions for the business. While Steve Jobs loved his black turtlenecks and Mark Zuckerberg loved his jeans, they still held themselves professionally when talking to their investors. You should be complete and on point in all that you do. Your apps and phone should be the same way too.

Craft a business card, phone, and email address for your small start-up. Practice becoming as courteous and professional as you can in your transactions so that you’ll be able to guide your start-up properly.

As the experts say, there’s no shortcut to becoming a successful business. If you’ve got your mindset, your goals focused, and you’ve got a direct plan, there’s no stopping you from establishing the business of your dreams.

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