5 Ways to Prevent Vehicle Theft

a car thief reaching into the car to steal a valuable item

In the past three years, vehicle theft has soared by 30 per cent in the United Kingdom. Greater London holds the most number of cases, with Great Manchester and the West Midlands placing second and third, respectively. Do not let yourself become one of the victims. Here are five proven ways to prevent your car from being stolen.

Ensure alarm performance.

Alarms are significant in preventing vehicle theft. Before leaving your car, check if the alarm is working by testing it for a few seconds. Also, make sure that the alarm battery is working by having it checked every year. If you think your alarm is malfunctioning, contact a technician immediately.

Secure your keys.

Keeping your car keys secure may seem like a basic tactic, but many vehicle owners still ignore this rule. Attach keys on your belt or wallet to prevent them from being misplaced or stolen. Place your spare keys, on the other hand, in a safe or entrust them to a relative or friend.

Invest in a garage.

A garage will not only prevent theft but will also protect your vehicle from rain, scratches, and other outdoor elements. If you live in a city and have no garage space, consider renting one instead. It is not the cheapest option, but it is an investment that will keep your vehicle safe.

Put valuables away.

When parking in a public space, do not leave your purse, tablet, or any valuable inside the car. Unattended valuables are eye-candy to criminals, and will only tempt them to break in your car. Leave prized items at home or secure them in a bag and take them with you.

Add security equipment.

There are equipment that you can utilise to ensure car safety. A steering wheel lock bar, for example, locks the steering wheel in place to prevent thieves from starting your vehicle. If you have a bigger budget, consider investing in a tracking device so you can follow – and recover – your vehicle if ever it gets stolen.

Indeed, a little investment can go a long way. Secure your vehicle before it is too late.

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