Understanding the Cryotherapy Process When You Visit a Spa

Cryotherapy is a popular wellness treatment designed to expose your body to extreme cold temperatures for a short period. It’s commonly used to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote overall well-being. If you’re considering cryotherapy during your next spa visit, here’s a breakdown of the process to help you understand what to expect.

The Consultation

Before your session begins, most spas offer a brief consultation to discuss your health history and wellness goals. This is an essential step to ensure cryotherapy is right for you.

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The technician will explain the procedure and may ask about any pre-existing conditions, such as heart or respiratory issues, which could affect your session.

The Cryotherapy Session

During the cryotherapy session, you’ll enter a cryo chamber that exposes your body to sub-zero temperatures—typically ranging between -200°F to -300°F. Don’t worry about feeling too cold; you’ll wear protective gear like gloves, socks, and undergarments to shield sensitive areas from frostbite. The session usually lasts two to four minutes, just long enough to trigger your body’s natural healing responses.

immediate sense of energy and alertness

What Happens After

After exiting the chamber, you may feel an immediate sense of energy and alertness. Many people report a rush of endorphins, making cryotherapy a great way to boost mood and reduce stress. The cold exposure also helps increase blood circulation and can reduce inflammation, making it ideal for athletes and those recovering from injuries.

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