How Is a Pulse Oximeter Adhesive Placed?

Placing a pulse oximeter adhesive correctly is crucial for obtaining accurate oxygen saturation readings. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure proper placement:

Prepare the Site

Clean the area where the adhesive will be placed. Typically, the site is either the fingertip or an earlobe, depending on the type of oximeter being used.

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Use an alcohol swab to remove any dirt or oil that could interfere with the device’s ability to read blood oxygen levels accurately.

Peel off the Adhesive

Remove the backing from the adhesive sensor. These sensors are designed to be disposable and should be used only once to ensure hygiene and performance.

Attach the Sensor

For a fingertip sensor, the adhesive part should wrap around the fingertip, covering the nail and pad of the finger without overlapping excessively. Ensure that the sensor’s light emitting diode (LED) and photodetector are positioned correctly—typically, the LED goes on top of the fingernail, and the detector sits directly opposite on the fleshy pad of the finger.

Secure the Placement

Press down gently on the adhesive to secure it. The adhesive should be snug but not too tight, as constriction may affect blood flow and lead to inaccurate readings.

Connect to the Monitor

Once the adhesive is in place, connect the sensor to the pulse oximeter monitor if it is not already attached. Turn on the monitor to begin reading the oxygen saturation.

Watch the video above to learn more about placing a pulse oximeter adhesive correctly!.

Prepare the Site

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