What Happens in Knee Replacement Surgery?

Going through a knee replacement is a major but common procedure. It can bring great relief and improved mobility. That’s particularly true if you’ve got arthritis or a serious injury.

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During surgery, they cut on your knee to see what’s going on inside. The surgeon gently nudges the kneecap aside to get a better look at the joint. Then, they trim the rough bits.

In this case, the physician trims the damaged parts of your shinbone and thighbone. Once trimming is complete, the surgeon places new parts. The additions come with strong metal and smooth plastic over the ends of the bones. These new parts act like replacements for your old, worn-out knee. The new knee parts, prostheses, have three main pieces: one for your femur, tibia, and patella.

Your surgeon cements these pieces in place. They take an x-ray to ensure everything lines up correctly. They close the incision with stitches or staples. At the same time, the practitioner puts a drain to get rid of any extra fluid. After the surgery, you’ll recover and work on getting your new knee to move well.

When you wake up from surgery, you might feel dizzy. The medical team closely monitors you. They’ll check your blood pressure, pulse, and other vital signs. You’ll likely have a bandage on your knee and maybe even a drain to help reduce swelling.


Going through a knee replacement is a major but common procedure

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